Getting Started with Bees
Just starting out? This course will teach you everything you need to know to competently care for your bees in the first season.
Yes! Beekeeping has a very steep learning curve. It is useful to take a beginner beekeeping course every year for the first two or three or even four years because there is so much to learn.
Yes! Many people, myself included, get into beekeeping before having any idea what is involved. Taking this course before you have bees will allow you to decide if you have the dedication and time required to excel at this rewarding endeavor.
Learning Objectives
Bee Biology
The Colony and its Hive
Issues Facing Honey Bees
The must haves
The nice to haves
Scaling up: future must haves
Personal Protective Equipment
Preventing Injuries
All About Bee Stings
Preventing Bee Stings: Proper handling
Nucs vs Splits vs Hives vs Packages
Hiving a Package
Transferring a Nuc
Dealing with Bad Weather
Early Warning Signs
Food Safety
Overview of Common Health Issues